No. 1339 Receival bin HB
Receival bin.......... Hawkes Bay, NZ
Engineer availabe to discuss details
Receival Bin 2.5t
- Owners run the bin at 1 – 1.5ton the bin max is 2.5ton
- Suitable for hard stone fruit
- Located Hawkes Bay, NZ
- Stainless bin
- Galvanized support structure and knock bars
- 3 Phase
- Load cells (scales)
- Digital readout and printer
- Controls
- Stainless Auger
- Standing attached platform
- Vibrating (whole tank vibrates)
- Air compressor
- Motor etc
- Dimension for transport 4.2x2.6x2.1h
- Extremely well built, great condition.
​Inline labeller
- Made by Reynolds Group Auckland ( approcx 2003)
- Two head label applicator for back and front of bottles
- Used on marasca square glass bottles
Located Hawkes Bay
- Ed O’Donnell
- 0274 442 944