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Item reference: 1920   38 x kegs SOLD (Keg)

Item reference: 1920   38 x kegs SOLD (Keg)

SOLD Various kegs set up for wine, 13 x 20ltr, 5 x 50ltr, 4 x 30ltr, 16 x 50ltr, most with 4inch RJT fitting, many with vents, all were in use 2023-24, ed@ibl.co.nz , 0274 442 944

Kegs 20ltr, 30ltr , 50ltr
SOLD Various kegs set up for wine, 13 x 20ltr, 5 x 50ltr, 4 x 30ltr, 16 x 50ltr, most with 4inch RJT fitting, many with vents, all were in use 2023-24, ed@ibl.co.nz , 0274 442 944


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