
No. 1017  Shell Todd Oil Services Ltd De Ballast site Tank Tender SOLD


Tank Tender: De Ballast Site New Plymouth NZ   SOLD

On behalf of Shell Todd Oil Services Ltd (STOS) we offer sale by Tender the following tanks

for recovery/removal 7,805m3 & 65m3

Located near Port Taranaki the tanks are in good condition.

Location: 15 Moturoa Street / 16 Harbour Street, (STOS owned site) New Plymouth.

Due to the nature of this disposal please refer to all terms, conditions, requirements

and in the downloads below. Inspections by appointment only 24 hours minimum notice required.


Tender closes 5pm Friday 30th July 2010

 Note; all amendments/changes & notes for this tender are in red

Lot 1:    Tank T801

·       Original purpose was to receive ballast water from visiting oil tankers

·       Fixed roof tank

·       Steel construction

·       Approx weight is 170 tonnes

·       24.4m in diameter, and 18.3m high

·       Capacity of 7,805 m3

·       Was built in 1968 by Bernard-Smith Company

·       Some attached fittings, e.g. partial stairs, etc. which may not be suitable for original purpose


Lot 2:    Tank T802

·       Original purpose was to receive oil skimmed from tank T801

·       Fixed roof tank

·       Steel construction

·       Approx weight is 6.5 tonnes

·       6.4m in diameter, and 2.44m high

·       Capacity of 65m3 

·       Was built in 1968 by Bernard-Smith Company

·       Some attached fittings, e.g. motor, stand, electrical heater, valve, stirrer, hand rails, etc. which may not be suitable for original purpose



·       Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted

·       These items are offered “as is where is”, no certificates or warranties are offered

·       To be disconnected from pipes at the nearest fitting

·       Demolition / removal is at the buyers expense. Weigh bridge offers will not be considered, must be lump sums

·       Activities must comply with STOS’s HSE requirements and standards, including lifting and hoisting (see download below)

·       An overview of an HSE Plan, and a Demolition / Removal Plan (including lifting/hoisting) must be submitted for approval along with any Bid. Guidance on what information is required to be covered for lifting and hoisting is provided (see download below). If successful, the bidder(s) will be required to produce more comprehensive plans before removal can occur

·       Activity to remove the tank (s) will comply with STOS’s Permit to Work (PTW) system. STOS will provide the Permit  Issuer and Area Technician.The company removing the tank(s) will provide people to fill all other applicable roles.The Permit Applicant and Person in Charge of Worksite ( PICWS) roles must be trained to the PICWS level.

      Provide evidence of insurances or intended insurances relevant to this work.

·       A meeting to provide an overview of STOS’s HSE requirements will be held at 1pm on Thursday the 8th July, at STOS’s New Plymouth office, 167 Devon Street West, New Plymouth. Please contact Ed O’Donnell to register intention to attend this meeting

·       Inspection welcome by appointment only. Any entry into the tanks will be as per Confined Space Entry procedures, and will need to be arranged in advance. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including gloves, hard hat, coverall, safety glasses, and steel capped boots must be worn on site

·       Any consents (e.g. resource) related to removal are the responsibility of the bidder

·       STOS “Buy Sell Agreement” applies (see download below)

·       Tender Reply form (see download below)


Contact Industrial Brokers Ltd Ed O’Donnell 0274 442 944 ed@ibl.co.nz


Download documents below

Below are the clarification notes (in BLUE) from the HSE Meeting, held at STOS’s New Plymouth office on Thursday 8th July.


·       Work Hours:
It is expected work will progress within normal “40 hour week time” to align with STOS manning hours.  STOS will provide access to site, but will not necessarily be present on site 100% of the time.

·       Bundings:
Bundings are not required to be re-instated back to their original purpose. The level of re-instatement required for bundings is replacement to a similar cosmetic state.

·       Ground compaction testing:
Has this not been completed (e.g. for vehicle and crane access) and there are no plans to test it.

·       Medical requirements while on the de-ballast site:
The distinction is made between Scoping Phase (prior to award of tender) and Work Execution Phase (after award):
- During Scoping Phase, visitors to site will not require a medical, unless they complete a confined space entry of the tank.  If this occurs, they will meet their own company’s medical requirements.
- During Work Execution Phase, people on site will require a medical to the standard of STOS’s own Fitness to Work requirements.

·       PPE requirements while on the de-ballast site:
The distinction is made between Scoping Phase (prior to award of tender) and Work Execution Phase (after award):
- During Scoping Phase, visitors to site will require PPE as follows: gloves, hard hat, coverall, safety glasses, and steel capped boots.
- During Work Execution Phase, people on site will require PPE as follows: gloves, hard hat, coverall (fire retardant), safety glasses, and steel capped boots (laced) and any other appropriate PPE (e.g. noise mitigation PPE).

·       Cleaning state of tanks:
The interior of both tanks have been cleaned by water blasting from the floor.  A gas free certificate has been issued. 

·       On-site security:
There will not be any on-site security provided.  Reinstatement of fences is required at the end of each working day so the de-ballast site is secure.

·       Lifting Checklists:
STOS’s lifting (and other) checklists are part of the STOS Permit to Work Manual, and are to be used in conjunction with the permit.  These will be provided to the successful bidder to plan activities under STOS Permit to Work system.

·       Entry into Tanks for inspection (scoping phase):
Prior to the tender closing, access to tanks for internal inspection (confined space entry) is able to be arranged for Friday 16th July 2010 or on another day with at least 24 hour notice to STOS.  Entry into the tank(s) to be managed as a conforming confined space entry, i.e. those entering the tank will not need to wear Breathing Apparatus and a safety observer will be present.  Photos are able to be taken from within the tank.

·       Entry into Tanks (work execution phase):
The company removing the tank(s) is required to supply the equipment and people to manage the confined space entry into the tanks as a part of their job to remove the tank(s).  STOS will manage the entries under the Permit to Work system, and all people and equipment supplied will need to meet STOS’s confined space rules and standards.

·       Approved contractor list:
STOS would normally outsource these type of services to Transfield Worley, and no list of approved contractors exists. 






File downloads

STOS Buy Sell agreement

Lifting & Hoisting


Aerial View

Tender Reply Form...

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